Simplicity in reactions...
Zira lets users add and remove roles from themselves by simply reacting to a message.
Since 2017, Zira has been assigning roles in some of the biggest Discord servers on the platform!

Say hello to Zira...
The last Reaction based roles bot you will ever need!
Zira's intuitive commands make it easy to set up multiple types of reaction roles quickly. We offer an online guide and support to ALL users.
Online Guide
An online guide is provided to all users. It provides clear instructions and examples to take advantage of all that Zira has to offer.
We provide a support channel in our Discord server where you can ask any questions you may have, in your native language.
Reaction Roles & Auto Roles
Zira offers 4 different types of reaction roles: Normal, Once, Remove, and Toggle. She can also automatically assign roles to users and bots when the join the server, without the need to react.
Allow users to send suggestions to the system with commands, and specified roles can approve and deny these sent suggestions.
Join & Leave Messages
Zira can send specified join & leave messages to a channel of your choice.
Private Rooms & Voice Channel roles
Assign a role when a user joins a voice channel and allow users to create their own private voice channels.